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Call The Gutter Cleaning Professionals!

Why Us?

Guru Gutter Cleaning

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Welcome To Guru Gutter Cleaning

This Is What Makes Us Amazing!

1. 12,000 Square Foot Building

We own and operate out of a 12,000 square foot building. Here we answer your calls, train employees, maintain our fleet and so much more!

2. Full-Time Office Staff

Most local service companies don't have a full-time office staff. BUT WE DO!

3. Insured via State Farm Insurance

We make sure we do things the right way!

4. Operating Since 2017

We've been sucking gutters for years!

We Clean 3,000+ Gutters Every Year!

Gutter cleaning is basically all we do every day!

Numbers don't lie. We work hard. We get tons of positive reviews online and when we receive correction we do everything possible to improve our system, process, training and team!

Our Equipment Is Professional Too!

Some of the Equipment We Use

Gutter Cleaning Vacuum Truck

We've been sucking gutters clean since 2017 but we haven't always had these super duper amazing vacuum trucks. Previous to these we used a type of shop vac system that worked...but not nearly as well.

We invented these big sucking trucks and now this is all we will ever use to suck gutters now or the future!

Stihl 800 BR Magnum

Although we don't make a mess when we clean gutters we still use blowers.


The #1 reason is because our process involves sucking the downspouts from the top and blowing from the bottom with this heavy duty blower. This method unclogs 99% of the gutter downspouts out there.

Downspout Filters

How to put this in as few words as possible...



Install downspout filters and schedule a yearly or 2x a year gutter cleaning.

You'll save money. You'll get better results. You'll reduce headache down the road.

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Gutter Cleaning

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Over The Phone
Customer Reviews
Our Team

Garret M.

Position: Owner

I'm from Utah. Married a Georgia Peach. Love living here. Love being surrounded by family. Really enjoy creating, improving, and working hard.

Robert K.

Position: Manager

Father of 2 children. Survivor of cancer. He's always loved reading books. Works hard at being amazing at tennis. Loves his wife and family.

Justin W.

Position: Technician

One of the strongest men you will ever meet. A gentle giant. An amazing competitor in Strongman Competitions.

Matt F.

Position: Technician

A Georgia native. I loving husband. A hard working guy. Tall. Great at basketball and looks a lot like Jim from the office.

A Brief History

We Are Proud Of Where We've Been

2008: Guru Gutter Cleaning technically began in 2017 but our story starts in 2008. The owner of the company, Garret, started his first business back in 2008 doing sport and wedding videos. It was a learning experience but it is where Guru Gutter Cleaning technically began. 

2009: The videography business morphed into a wedding and event rental company. 

2010: About a year into the wedding and event rental business it was time to make another move but this time across state lines. We moved to Georgia! Georgia proved to be a place for much opportunity and new experiences.

2010 - 2016: For the next 6 years Garret grew a successful marketing company that serviced local businesses from the west coast to the east coast and internationally in Canada. This is really where Garret and his team became very proficient and knowledgable in running and growing local service type companies. With all this experience we decided to start our very own local service businesses.

2016: The first 2 local service companies we began were lawn care and house cleaning. Both of these businesses took off very quickly and a lot of our systems and processes for being a great service based company were established.

2017: Guru Gutter Cleaning was born. After helping seeing the need for a good gutter cleaning company throughout Georgia we knew we had to start a company...BUT...we didn't want to risk our employees lives in order to do it.  That is when we researched and researched all the ways to clean gutters because we knew that getting on the roofs or ladders was NOT THE WAY TO GO.

With all that research we purchased our first gutter vacuum system.  Looking back at our first gutter vacuum system we realize how far we have come.

2020: Within a couple years we knew we needed to become even bigger and better. That is when the owner spent over 1 year inventing our very own GUTTER VACUUM TRUCK.  It took a couple versions to perfect (To be honest we are constantly improving it).  With our system we can now suck gutters better, haul away all the debris with us, give our employees a better and more safe job, and so much more.

2020 - 2021: With the invention of our Gutter Vacuum Truck we grew and grew and are continuing to grow. We expanded our reach and now operate in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. We work hard to have the best equipment, system, processes, and team so that we can be everyone's 1ST CHOICE for gutter cleaning.

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It's Really Easy To Reach Us

Call Us: (855) 497-1457

Text Us: (855) 497-1457

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Hours of Operation

When Are We Open?

7:30 AM - 6:30 PM
7:30 AM - 6:30 PM
7:30 AM - 6:30 PM
7:30 AM - 6:30 PM
7:30 AM - 6:30 PM
9:00 AM - 6:30 PM

What Areas Do We Service?

Map of Service Areas & Branches